Thursday, June 06, 2013

Of all the reactions in all of the world . . .

This is the last one
I ever expected to hear:

I'm pretty sure there's only one person on the planet
who would ever have this response to the Red Wedding.
And naturally, I know him.



A Beer for the Shower said...

I think my wife was a bit disturbed by the fact that I wasn't sitting with my mouth agape in horror after that scene. It's screwed up, sure, but I guess I just saw it coming. It all seemed "too good to be true"...

~*Thia*~ said...

That was definitely me. I sat with my chin in my lap for 20 minutes! My friend on the left is reading the books so he knew what was coming. Hence, no big reaction. My friend on the right, however . . . What the hell was up with that?